Your Scout experience doesn’t need to stop when you turn 18. Welcome to Network: our show-stopping, skill-boosting section for under-25s.
Scout Network is our fifth and final section for 18-25 year olds.
Whether you’re completely new to Scouts or have been with us since you were 5 years old, joining is a great way to meet new people, seek out new challenges and see the world. Because being a grown up shouldn’t mean you have to miss out on all the fun.
Want to find out more? Talk to your local GSL / Explorer leaders who can pass your details on, or send an email to [email protected] and [email protected] who run our Network and can get you on our contact list.

What do Network members get up to?
Scout Network connects 20,000 18-25 year olds across the UK, and gives them the opportunity to take part in a huge range of exciting projects and social events centred on the themes of ‘Adventure’, ‘Community’ and ‘International’.
Network members don’t necessarily meet every week. Some might meet a few times a year to complete a single project together. Others might dive into lots of different projects at once, or meet locally more regularly.
Like any activity in Scouting, choice of venue must be a considered and take into account suitability for the type of meeting and the members that will be attending that meeting.
New to Scouts?
We’re open to all, not just existing members. Get started here. It’s free!
Do I need to undertake adult training to be a Scout Network member?
There is no adult training required to be a Scout Network member.
Can I get badges/awards for taking part?
Yes. Scout Network Members will be able to gain virtual participation badges. These badges will be issued and maintained on the Scout Network Digital Platform.
Top awards are also available to achieve, these include Chief Scout Diamond Award, Queen’s Scout Award, Explorer Belt, and Scouts of the World Award.
How can I still be part of Network when I go to uni / move away for work?
Yes, Scout Network is truly flexible. As a member you have choice. This means you can be part of which ever District you want to be. If you do not wish to affiliate with any particular district, you can also opt to just be part of the UK Scout Network, which gives you the same great access to the opportunities as every 18-25 year old in the UK. You may also want to check whether your university has a Student Scout and Guide Organisation (SSAGO).
Can I still be a Leader?
Yes. Scout Network members can also any other adult appointments.