Next Sessions: TBC
Grow Your Group is designed to help you recruit more adult help. With more adults doing less work there will be more time for fun! The workshops are designed to be fun, interactive and will look at tools that you can start to use right away.
The District has put money towards various growth resources for groups who attend the GYG sessions. For more information email [email protected]
The Workshops
The workshops, which are delivered over 3 weekend dates, are open to any member of your group. If you can bring along your whole Group, the benefits are tremendous as you all learn and plan together.
As a minimum, we ask that 4 Executive members/Section leaders/Assistants come to each session. They can then share the tools and ideas with others in the Group.
Registration opens at 8:30am with breakfast rolls and refreshments provided. Sessions start at 9am promptly and we will finish at 1pm so you are free to enjoy the rest of your afternoon.
Uniform is not required, please come comfortably dressed.
Growth Resources